HSENI reminds farmers and contractors of the dangers from overhead power lines

Date published: 20 June 2013

Look up and look out

Recently, there have been a number of incidents where farm machinery has either made contact with overhead power lines or has caught the stays supporting electricity poles.

This is a particular problem when silage is being harvested and HSENI wishes to remind farmers of the need to 'Look up and Look out'.

It is important that machinery and equipment that needs to pass under overhead power lines has adequate clearance for safe passage.

Remember, electricity can jump gaps when equipment or machinery gets close enough to overhead power lines: you do not need to contact overhead power lines to be injured.

If a contractor is working on your farm you should show them where power lines cross fields or farmyards, so they can take care to avoid them.

If overhead power lines run across your land and there are problem sites, discuss with your supplier if the line can be raised, re-routed or put underground.

More information on working near overhead power lines can be found on the Northern Ireland Electricity Networks website: 


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