Health and safety law in Northern Ireland poster
If you have employees you are required by law to display the poster in a prominent place where all employees can see and read it. If it is not possible to display the poster you can provide each of your employees with the equivalent poster pocket card.
To purchase a Northern Ireland poster or a pack of 25 pocket cards, please contact HSE Books by telephone or order online:
- phone: 0333 202 5070
- email:
- Northern Ireland Health and Safety law poster - HSE (GB) -
- Northern Ireland Health and Safety law poster pocket cards- HSE (GB) -
Alternatively, a free copy of the pocket card is available to download from the following link:
Health and safety policy – statement of intent
The 'health and safety policy statement of intent' should be signed and dated by the person with overall responsibility for the business. It is good practice to print their name clearly below their signature. You must bring it to the attention of all your employees either by giving them a copy or displaying it on a notice board where it can be easily seen and read.
For guidance on how to complete a health and safety policy please visit our 'Health and safety policy' webpage.
Employers' liability compulsory insurance (ELCI) certificate
As an employer you must display one or more valid copies of your ELCI certificate at each of your business premises where your employees can easily see and read it. As of 01 April 2009 you may display your insurance certificate electronically. If you decide on this option you need to make sure your employees know how and where to find the certificate and have reasonable access to it.
For more information on insurance please visit our 'Insurance' webpage.
Fire evacuation arrangements
Put up notices telling people about the fire precautions in the workplace and what to do if there is a fire. You should give people information about which escape route to use, the names of staff nominated to help if there is an evacuation and the fire warning system used in the area where they are working. Put up fire notices in places where they can be easily seen and read.
For more information on managing fire safety in the workplace please visit our 'Fire safety' webpage.
First aid arrangements
You have to tell your employees about your first aid arrangements. Putting up notices telling staff who and where the first-aiders or appointed persons are and where the nearest first aid box is will usually be sufficient.
If you would like to learn more about first aid at work please visit our 'First aid' webpage.
- Employer's liability compulsory insurance - a guide for employers
- Example health and safety policy
- Managing fire safety in the workplace
Key legislation
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 -
- Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 -
Please note that these links are to the original legislation, visitors should verify for themselves whether legislation is in force or whether it has been amended or repealed by subsequent legislation.