This news page will keep you up to date with all new notifications from ECHA and HSE in relation to biocides. Information such as law changes, consultation opportunities and updated general advice will be posted regularly under the correct heading.
- Consultations and notifications
- Biocidal products that must be phased off the NI market
- EU active substance expiry dates postponed
- Non approval decision to be taken for unsupported active substances in the EU
- Apply for active substance renewal by the deadlines to keep products on the NI market
- Apply for product authorisation by the deadlines to keep products on the NI market
- Manufacture of hand sanitiser products in the UK
- Recent European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) advice and opinions
Additional Links
For the latest updates from ECHA in relation to biocides, please subscribe to the following newsletter:
For the latest updates to the BPR Active Substance List for GB and NI, and the UK Authorised Biocidal Products List, please see the following links:
To subscribe to the HSE biocides e-bulletin, please follow the link below: