Consultation exercise on the main proposals for inclusion in HSENI’s next Corporate Plan (2023 – 2028)

Consultation opened on 08 August 2022. Closing date 10 October 2022.


The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) is in the process of developing its seventh Corporate Plan (CP) to cover the period 2023-2028.


Consultation description

The new plan will identify the issues HSENI will focus on during the lifetime of the plan and outlines the specific outcomes which HSENI, working in partnership with industry, aims to achieve. We have used three criteria to identify and rank the sectoral priorities (statistics/sectoral intelligence/cross reference with other regulators). We believe this methodology has given priorities which will resonate with stakeholders.

We also plan to have three major themes in years one, three and five of our new CP. These three annual cross cutting themes aim to tackle a work activity known to be a cause of fatalities, serious injury or ill-health and will involve a wide range of activities such as a marketing campaign (media/ social media/ radio/ TV/website etc.), group activities (inspection blitz/awareness raising), speaking events etc. The themes will be chosen based on priorities/statistics/evidence/emerging issues and trends. We have chosen workplace transport safety as our year one theme. We will select our year three and five themes as we evaluate the data, but we are determined to have health as one of our themes. There will be a strong element of partnership throughout this work cycle. It is important to say that these major themes will not be at the expense of other sectoral activities and indeed we will remain alert to trends and emerging issues in all sectors.

As part of its consultation on the draft Plan, HSENI would welcomed comments from any group, organisation or individual.

Closing date for comments was Monday 10 October 2022.

Copies of the consultation exercise can be made available in print form or other accessible formats, for example, Braille, large print, or in Irish, Ulster Scots or languages of the minority ethnic communities in Northern Ireland can be made available on request.

It is recognised that a written consultation exercise is only one method of consulting with interested parties and may not be the most appropriate method for some groups. If there are any alternative methods that you would consider more appropriate for this consultation exercise, we would be happy to hear from you.

Requests for alternative formats should be sent to:

Corporate Support Group
83 Ladas Drive
Belfast BT6 9FR

Tel: 028 9054 6859; or 028 8225 4760

Alternatively, you can e-mail your request to:

Consultation summary

HSENI ran a consultation exercise from 8 August to 10 October 2022. A summary of consultation responses is available to view at the link below: 









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