The Management Standards approach follows the same tried and tested 5 steps to risk assessment approach as seen in the graphic below. However as stress is individual in nature, being based on a person’s perceptions, it is not possible to risk assess in the same generic manner as you would do for physical hazards such as slips or trips and machinery guarding for example.
To ensure you are able to effective identify and evaluate specific issues, it requires a process of communication, collaboration and consultation with every member of staff. To help you do this more easily HSE developed a systematic process with supporting material to guide you easily through the project from start to finish.
It is important to notice that right at the centre of the risk assessment wheel is the need to prepare your organisation in advance of undertaking the process. A failure to do this will be likely to have a detrimental impact of the success of the overall project.
Full guidance can be found
- How to tackle work-related stress - A guide for employers on making the Management Standards work (pdf format) - HSE (GB)
- Is my risk assessment suitable and sufficient (pdf format) – HSE (GB)
Find out more about
For more information please contact a mental well-being at work advisor.
About work-related stress
Find out more about:
- what work-related stress is
- why you should manage it in your organisation
- who has roles and responsibilities in doing that
- spotting signs and symptoms
HSE Management Standards
Find out more about:
- what the HSE Management Standards are
- how to effectively risk assess using them
- how to develop a culture of continuous improvement
HSENI and work-related stress
Find out more about:
- HSENI’s Mental Well-being at Work Advisory Service
- free resources for employers, line managers and employees
- Mental well-being: Questions and Answers
Good Practice
Good practice guidance on:
- returning to work after sickness absence
- stress and mental health at work and home
- the Condition Management Programme (CMP)
- work-life balance
- workplace bullying and harassment
HSENI run a number of different webinars on work-related stress. Details of these including dates and registration can be found on the events page:
Small businesses
The HSENI risk assessment tool, is designed for organisations with fifty or more staff. HSENI has provided additional advice for small businesses.