Minutes of the HSENI Senior Management Team (SMT) meeting held on 21 January 2019 at Ladas Drive, Belfast
In attendance:
- B Monson
- N Monson
- L Burns
1. Apologies
There were no apologies.
2. Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the November 2018 SMT meeting were agreed.
3. Update on agreed Action Points
- ACTION - Incident notification escalation procedure (RM) (Ongoing)
- ACTION - Review ‘lone worker safety policy’ (RM)
- ACTION - Lone worker training to be organised (PC) (lone worker training is currently being sourced, quotes have been requested)
- ACTION - Raise Chemicals MoU issues with HSE (LB) (On hold until EU exit Legislation is completed)
- ACTION - Complaints - Principal Inspectors to review open complaints to ensure timely recording and closure (ongoing)
- ACTION - Arrange a meeting with HSE’s Director of Engagement and Policy (LB) (was arranged for 21/01/19, cancelled by HSE)
- ACTION - Management Standards in HSENI - this exercise will commence with a letter from Acting Chief Executive in week commencing 21/01/19, the survey will be issued in early February (LB)
- ACTION – A small working group to be set up, headed by P Crook and including K Neeson, A Boylan, L Dougan and M Rafferty to develop a documented programme of visits across groups(PC)
- ACTION – Need to develop a formalised programme to ensure that every trainee has the opportunity through visits to demonstrate all competencies necessary for Professional Practice Competency Framework (PPCF) (PC)
- ACTION – The above is to be agreed with the new HSE GB Internal Assessor (PC)
- ACTION – Trainee induction programme to be developed (PC).
4. Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare
SMT noted no incidents since the last meeting.
5. Audit, Risk Management and Finance
L Burns provided an update on the last Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) meeting. SMT considered the risk register and emerging risks. The emerging risk register can be viewed at the Annex.
Emerging Risks – Staff resourcing across all operational groups;
Impact of volunteering for C3 and other EU Exit matters may cause significant strain on operational and admin groups. SMT discussed finance to end of December 2018. Staff and Operating costs – 74% spend and Programme 43% when amended to account for release of accruals. Capital £1800 spend on CMS training of budget of £581k.
6. HR
SMT considered the absence statistics to end of December (year to date figures in brackets). L Burns explained that the average HSENI absence rate was 2.7% (4.87%). HSENI’s absences account for 69.8% (86.87%) of the working days lost. On average 92.5% (92.24%) of staff didn’t have any absence at all which is a very good record. The cost of lost days due to absence is £10,000 (12,407).
The emerging risks in relation to staff were discussed and these are reflected in the Annex.
NICS HR will deliver three sessions to Head of Groups provisional dates 6 February and 7 March for Employee Relations and the new Mediation Service. Consideration to be given to running a third session on Workforce Planning Session once staff in post lists are reviewed for HSENI to establish current baseline.
SMT previously agreed to run the Management Standards in HSENI, this exercise will commence with a letter from Acting Chief Executive w/c 21.01.19. The stress management survey will be issued in early February. (ACTION)
SMT discussed the recent recruitment exercise for Trainee Inspectors. It was agreed that 2 would go to the Major Investigation Team, 2 to the Major Hazards Team and 1 to the Manufacturing, Utilities and Docks Team.
- A small working group to be set up, headed by P Crook and including K Neeson, A Boylan, L Dougan and M Rafferty to develop a documented programme of visits across groups(PC) (ACTION)
- Need to develop a formalised programme to ensure that every trainee has the opportunity through visits to demonstrate all competencies necessary for the Professional Practice Competency Framework (PPCF) (ACTION)
- The above is to be agreed with the new HSE GB Internal Assessor (ACTION)
- Trainee induction programme to be developed (ACTION)
7. Case and Project Work
SMT discussed the current caseload of the Major Investigation Team (MIT). 26 cases are at the investigation stage, 7 cases are with the Public Prosecution Service NI and 8 are at court. The current caseload is at limited capacity. MIT will only take on fatalities at present. B Monson updated SMT on the Case Management System project, the live version has been released. Testing of the new system is scheduled for week commencing 28/01/.19 for 2 weeks. Implications of delay being considered by A Martin.
8. Business Planning
SMT also noted that a meeting has been arranged for 24 January 2019 to discuss the 2019/20 Operating Plan.
9. Performance Monitoring
B Monson updated SMT on the HSENI performance statistics using the new Cube system as detailed below (last year figures in brackets):
NOTE: All stats are provisional and should not be relied upon.
- Total RIDDOR reports – 1381 (1657)
- Work related fatalities – 11 (8)
- Over three days – 1416 (1563)
- Major Injuries – 232 (358)
- Dangerous Occurrences – 77 (64)
- Member of Public injury – 66 (85)
- Year-to-date visits – 4443 (5248)
- Advisory Activity – 1723
- Complaints – 690 (676)
- Improvement Notices – 71 (44)
- Prohibition Notices – 114 (134)
10. Board Business
The next Board meeting is scheduled for 31 January 2019.
11. Any other business
Fraud response Plan - SMT reviewed and agreed this document. It will be brought to the next Board meeting for Board approval.
Risk Management Policy - SMT reviewed and agreed this document. It will be brought to the next Board meeting for Board approval. P Crook to organise and deliver training on the BCP role and responsibilities for the Incident Management Team, Incident Support Team and the new Admin Support Team during Feb 2019. HOG’s to record a discussion of risks / emerging risks and record any risks to be brought to SMT. SMT to consider all risks / emerging risks from teams and keep a record of these and agreed actions. If staff are chosen to and allowed to go on the volunteering opportunities C3 etc, HOG’s must assess the impact on work and report to the Deputy Chief Executive and SMT. The issue of staff not being able to be released for C3 and petrol pump work around EU Exit should be raised through staff team meetings.
SMT agreed a request received from NISG for support for their annual event.
Complaints Paper – In principle SMT agreed Option 3 of the paper subject to:
- a full scoping and implementation paper being developed with timelines etc; and
- the following issues:
(a) Check with compatibility with the new CMS;
(b) Clarification on some operational practicalities.
12. Date of next meeting
The date of the next SMT meeting has been scheduled for 4 March 2019 at 1:30pm in Ladas Drive.
Annex: Emerging risks
Date | Risk | Impact | Likelihood | Action | Escalate to HSENI risk register |
19/11/18 | Falling number of applicants to trainee inspector competition | Moderate | Moderate | Consider undertaking a review of trainee inspector recruitment and training | No |
21/1/19 | Staff resourcing across all operational groups is tight and service delivery susceptible to unexpected absences such as sick leave etc. | Moderate | Moderate | HOGs to monitor and report to SMT. Reduce group output where necessary. Keep board informed. Keep O&L informed | Yes |
21/1/19 | Impact of volunteering for C3 and other EU Exit matters may cause significant strain on operational and admin groups | Moderate | Unknown | HOGs to monitor and report to SMT. Reduce group output where necessary. Keep board informed. Keep O&L informed. | Yes - when impact is known |