Minutes of SMT Meeting held on 6 July 2022 at 9:30a.m. (via Zoom)
In attendance:
- R Kidd Chair and Chief Executive
- N Monson Deputy Chief Executive
- B Monson Deputy Chief Executive
- L Burns Deputy Chief Executive
- C Moore NICICTU (Initial discussion only)
- G Alexander NIPSA (Initial discussion only)
- M Ditchfield (Item 6 only)
1. Apologies
There were no apologies.
2. Minutes from previous meeting
The minutes from the 8 June meeting were agreed.
3. Action Points
There were no action points not covered by the agenda.
4. Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare
- C Moore and G Alexander joined SMT for a discussion on our priorities going forward and our plans for the next Corporate Report. They appraised us of some of the issues that are currently featuring in their meetings with other Health and Safety reps across the sectors. They left the meeting at 10:30a.m.
- SMT discussed the ongoing monitoring of the return to work policy for HSENI and how it is progressing. It was noted that with summer leave, we are unlikely to get a full picture until September/October.
- We were updated on the work being done to improve the security of the building.
5. (a) Audit, Risk Management and Finance
- SMT discussed revised board papers which will be used for the first time in the July meeting.
5. (b) Emerging Risks
- Currently nothing to report
6. Staffing
- M Ditchfield updated SMT on staffing issues in particular with regards to our financial modelling and profiling to cover both staff and General and Administrative Expenses (GAE) within the current budget allocation.
- A number of external competitions are progressing and vacancy numbers are substantially lower with the majority of priority posts filled or in progress.
7. Case and Project Work
- Major Investigation Team (MIT) update – N Monson referred SMT to the MIT update which was circulated in advance of the meeting.
8. Business Planning
- The draft Corporate Plan will be discussed with the board on 28 July (as the 23 June meeting had to be cancelled) ahead of a targeted and wider public consultation exercise.
9. Performance Monitoring
- B Monson updated SMT that accident numbers are down and inspection numbers are rising as trainees are undertaking operational work, having completed initial classroom phase training. Complaints are currently around the levels not previously seen since 2016/17.
10. Board Business
- SMT noted the Corporate Plan to be the main topic of discussion at the July board as well as comments on the new board pack format. It was also noted that the SharePoint software we had hoped to utilise for the board has now been found unsuitable and we are pursuing an alternative piece of software identified in collaboration with DfE.
11. Any Other Business
- N Monson asked SMT to note a change of work allocation on radiation protection work from Occupation Health and Hygiene Group to Major Hazards Group.
12. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be set for September 2022.
The meeting concluded at 12:50p.m.