Minutes of Senior Management Team (SMT) meeting - November 2022

Minutes of SMT Meeting held on 7 November 2022, 9:30am at Ladas Drive Belfast.

In attendance:          

  • R Kidd Chair and Chief Executive
  • N Monson Deputy Chief Executive
  • B Monson Deputy Chief Executive
  • L Burns Deputy Chief Executive
  • K Neeson Deputy Chief Executive
  • M Magennis – Time Associates (training discussion only)

In advance of the meeting SMT had a discussion with M Magennis in relation to some options to enable new staff to undertake the Insight Discovery programme as well as a Leadership module for SMT and Head of Groups (HOGs) and then an Insights module for the Board and SMT which would build on Insights and bring in some team building. M Magennis agreed to put together a specification for us to consider.

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Minutes from previous meeting

The minutes from the 5 October meeting were agreed.

3. Action Points

There were no action points not covered by the agenda.

4. Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare

There were no items to report.

5. (a) Audit, Risk Management and Finance

In terms of finance commitments SMT noted that we have some training planned, to be delivered in Q4 as well as procurement of brake testing equipment, a fume cabinet and video conferencing hardware. A finance meeting was arranged to take place on 8 November.

5. (b) Emerging Risks

Nothing to report.

6. Staffing

It was agreed that the Chief Executive would escalate the matter of filling vacancies with the Department at an upcoming meeting.

7. Case and Project Work

Major Investigation Team (MIT) update – Nothing further to report beyond the update document provided separately.

8. Business Planning

  • it was noted that the Minister approved the Corporate Plan
  • the Operational Plan calling note has now issued for the 2023/24 year

9. Performance Monitoring

B Monson updated SMT that accident numbers remain lower than the previous year, over three days are down 15% and majors are down 35% while visit numbers are up and complaints are currently below pre-covid levels.

10. Board Business

Nothing to report.

11. Any Other Business

30 November is to be a social event with an emphasis as a charity fund raiser rather than the original planning day as we are not yet in a position to bring these issues forward.

12. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting is unconfirmed as SMT will decide if a December meeting is necessary.

The meeting concluded at 1.30pm.