HSENI and Farm Safety Partnership congratulates its own Farming Champions

Date published: 20 July 2022

During this Farm Safety Week, HSENI alongside the Farm Safety Partnership (FSP), would like to recognise the outstanding work that has been done in the farming community in the last 20 years.

Farm safety week - Harry Sinclair and Malcolm Downey

Improving farm safety is the key aim of HSENI’s and the FSP’s work and since the FSP’s inception in 2012 and before there have been a number of farm safety champions who have dedicated their lives to keeping people safe on their farms and improving safety standards in the industry.

Two of these champions are Malcom Downey, retired Principal Inspector for the Agri/Food team in HSENI and Harry Sinclair, current chair of the Farm Safety Partnership and former President of the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU).

Malcolm worked for HSENI for many years and was involved in some of HSENI’s highest profile cases, tragic incidents which involved serious injury and fatalities. He was and still is a very well-respected member of the HSENI family. Malcolm treated every individual he met through his work with complete professionalism and respect and as a result is well thought of by all in the industry and beyond.

Harry Sinclair is a suckler, beef and sheep farmer.  As a past President of the Ulster Farmers' Union (UFU), he has extensive experience of advocacy on behalf of the farming community.  He is current Chairman of the NI Farm Safety Partnership, and is also a board member of HSENI, where he has served as a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee. Harry has brought a wealth of experience of farm safety measures to the entire NI farming community, and has always been vocal of his concerns on farm safety issues.

All in HSENI and the Farm Safety Partnership would like to recognise the work both men have pledged over the years to farmers and their families in Northern Ireland in keeping them safe. The current members of the FSP and HSENI’s Agri/Food team will continue to build on the great work both Malcolm and Harry have put in place and would like to offer sincere thanks to them both.

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Farm Safety Partnership (FSP) is made-up of key stakeholders with an interest in farm safety. The Farm Safety Partnership aims to increase awareness of farm safety and to reduce work-related fatalities and injuries on Northern Ireland's farms. Stakeholders include:
  • Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI)
  • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)
  • Farm Safety Foundation (FSF)
  • NFU Mutual (NFUM)
  • Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers Association (NIAPA)
  • Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU)
  • Young Farmers’ Club of Ulster (YFCU)
  1. The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body, sponsored by the Department for the Economy (DfE).
  2. HSENI is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety at work standards in Northern Ireland.
  3. For media enquiries please contact HSENI Press Office on 028 9024 3249 or email media@hseni.gov.uk. For out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110.



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