Workplace Transport Campaign - Manufacturing sector inspection proforma


This proforma will be used for inspections during the Workplace Transport Campaign.

Safe site (Design and activity)

  1. Have workplace transport risks been assessed?
  2. Is the assessment documented?
  3. Are there traffic control measures in place barriers, kerbs, mirrors, speed bumps, signage, ‘no access’ areas identified?
  4. Are pedestrians and vehicles segregated where possible? If yes, how?
  5. Are there designated pedestrian routes? Are they clear from obstruction / maintained?
  6. Is there adequate signage (warning of vehicle movements, speed, directional, visitors)?
  7. Are appropriate one way systems in use? Where reversing cannot be eliminated, are there safe systems of work / risk assessment in place? Trained banksmen?
  8.  Are there workplace transport site rules for drivers / visitors?
  9. Is there a site plan / map showing designated areas e.g. loading / unloading, turning, parking, no access to pedestrians etc?
  10. Is loading / unloading carried out in a designated safe area with appropriate segregation from other activities?
  11. Is there adequate lighting?
  12. Are ground conditions suitable for traffic routes? Surface, potholes, drainage?
  13. Are employees and visitors provided with adequate instruction, information and training in relation to workplace transport risks?
  14. Is the site adequately secured to prevent unauthorised entry?
  15. Is there adequate supervision?
  16. Are unsafe behaviours challenged and appropriate action taken?
  17. Is there a system for reporting workplace transport near miss / accidents?
  18. Where appropriate, is there communication and cooperation between landlords and other tenants regarding workplace transport risks?
  19. Does the company utilise CCTV for site activities?

Safe vehicle

  1. Are procedures in place to carry out pre-use daily checks and to report defects?
  2. Is there servicing / maintenance schedules in place for vehicles?
  3. Have statutory examinations been completed for vehicles used for lifting?
  4. Are there key management rules in place to prevent unauthorised use?
  5. Are measures in place for all round visibility?
  6. Are vehicles fitted with mirrors (fish eye) horns, lights, reversing alarms, flashing beacons etc. as necessary? Potential blind spot provisions?
  7. Are mirrors and cab kept in a clean condition?
  8. Do procedures require drivers to remain in cab / go to a safe area during loading / unloading?
  9. Are vehicles fitted with ROPS / FOPS unit to ensure passenger safety in the event of an accident?

Safe driver

  1. Are all drivers trained and qualified to drive the vehicles they operate?
  2. Is there a list of authorised drivers available / displayed?
  3. What information, instruction and training is provided to drivers on their work tasks i.e. safe systems of work / identification of specific hazards / interface with other activities / site rules?
  4. Is there a programme for refresher training in place?
  5. Are there measures to prevent persons falling from height during loading / unloading operations?
  6. Do employees and visitors to site wear high visibility clothing where there is vehicular traffic?
  7. Are seatbelts present in vehicles and do drivers wear seatbelts?
  8. Are employees tested fit for work regards operating vehicles / plant?
  9. Is a mobile phone policy in place on site?

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