CHIP has been replaced by CLP
CHIP is the abbreviated name for the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations.
CHIP has been replaced by the European Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation and was revoked on 1 June 2015.
Changes to CHIP
The Dangerous Substances Directive and the Dangerous Preparations Directive were replaced by the direct-acting European CLP Regulation. Since 1 June 2015, both Directives were fully withdrawn and no longer have any legal effect. As a result, the CHIP Regulations were also repealed.
Since 1 June 2015, chemical suppliers must comply with the CLP Regulation.
However, there are transitional arrangements in place to help suppliers make the move to the CLP system.
For preparations (known as mixtures under CLP)
Since 1 June 2015 onwards suppliers must classify, label and package preparations / mixtures according to CLP.
For substances
Since 1 June 2015 suppliers must classify, label and package according to CLP.
New CLP pictograms and safety phrases
The CLP hazard pictograms have a new shape, new design and a new colour.
You can view the new CLP pictograms and safety phrases, for information purposes only, on the following document.
Hazard statements
New hazard statements will replace the CHIP risk phrases. These are standard statements about the nature of hazard and degree of hazard of the substance. Each hazard statement has a corresponding identification code, however this may not be used instead of the written hazard statement on the packaging/safety data sheet and must only be used for reference.
Signal word
The CLP has introduced a new requirement for labelling – a signal word, either, 'warning' or 'danger' depending on the severity of the hazard.
New duties
There are also new duties like notification to the new 'Classification and Labelling Inventory'.
This is a database that will contain basic classification and labelling information on notified and registered substances received from manufacturers and importers.
CLP guidance
ECHA oversees the CLP Regulation and has published a suite of guidance to help you comply with the Regulation.
You are encouraged to look at this guidance and to understand your new and changing duties.
For more information on CHIP, CLP and REACH in Northern Ireland contact HSENI on:
- freephone: 0800 0320 121