Injuries and illness can ruin lives and businesses. Solutions are often simple and cheap and the people best placed to make farms safer are farmers and their employees.
Health and safety is a fundamental requirement for any business and should be regarded as an essential part of farm business management.
Taking risks is an underlying problem in the industry and those working on their own are especially vulnerable along with children and older farmers.
Farm Support Survey
Rural Support have launched a Farm Support Survey to help ensure programmes and services are effective in meeting the needs of farm families both based on what changes we know are coming and also where farmers are saying they have concerns.
The survey covers many aspects of farm life and is open to all members of the farm family with a chance to win either a £200 voucher kindly donated by Taggart Jacks or a £100 voucher donated by John McElderry M & T Ltd.
For more information and to take the survey please click on the link below:
Brexit - Working with Chemicals
HSE (GB) has a podcast aimed at businesses working with chemicals. It details information you need to know before and after the transition period.
The latest episode covers Plant Protection Products (PPP) and discusses the implications involved in the manufacture, distribution and supply of pesticides after UK transition on 1 January 2020.
Click on the link below to access the podcast:
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Access to information
How to request information from the Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.